One of our clients with patient IP No:3737, a 60-year-old female, sought medical attention due to persistent bilateral knee joint pain that had troubled her for the past four years. Experiencing challenges in standing up and climbing stairs, she also noted occasional radiation of pain, particularly accentuated in her left knee joint. Notably, the client was not undergoing any medication regimen at the time of consultation. Upon local examination, flexion of the knee joint elicited pain, with no evidence of edema observed. Her physical examination revealed a blood pressure of 110/70 mm Hg, with a weight of 72 kg and a height of 170 cm. These findings underscored the need for a comprehensive assessment and treatment plan to address her longstanding knee pain and its associated limitations in mobility.
Based on her symptoms and examination findings, the client was diagnosed with Janu Sandhi Shoola, a condition characterized by knee joint pain in Ayurveda. She was prescribed a comprehensive 21-day treatment regimen to address her condition. This included a combination of internal medications and external therapies aimed at providing relief from pain and improving mobility. The internal medications comprised Gulguluthiktakam Ghritam, Rasnasaptakam Kashayam, Fevactin Tablet, Dhanwantharam Tablet, and Gandharvahastadi Kashayam. External therapies such as Abhyangam (Whole Body Massage), Podikizhi (Herbal Powder Bundle Massage), Janu Vasthi (Medicated Oil Treatment for both knees), Bandage application, Pizhichil (Oil Bath Therapy), Dhanyapindaswedam (Herbal Rice Bolus Massage), and Nadiswedam (Sudation Therapy) were also incorporated into the treatment plan. This comprehensive approach aimed to alleviate the client’s knee pain and improve her overall quality of life by addressing both the symptoms and underlying causes of her condition.
Following the completion of her treatment regimen, the client reported a reduction in knee pain bilaterally. She experienced less severe pain during flexion and regained the ability to climb stairs without significant discomfort. Additionally, she found relief from radiating pain.
Our client’s treatment for knee pain exemplifies the effectiveness of Ayurvedic interventions in managing such conditions. By prescribing a one-month course of medications, including Gulguluthiktakam Ghritam, Rasnasaptakam Kashayam, Fevactin Tablet, Dhanwantharam Tablet, Varanadi Kashayam, and Lomedus, her medical team ensured sustained relief and further improvement. Alongside medication, she received guidance on dietary restrictions and lifestyle modifications to augment treatment outcomes. Regular follow-up appointments have been scheduled to monitor her progress closely and make necessary adjustments to her regimen, emphasizing the commitment to her sustained relief from knee pain and the enhancement of her overall quality of life. This case highlights the efficacy of a holistic approach in Ayurvedic medicine, integrating internal medications, external therapies, dietary interventions, and lifestyle modifications to address the root causes of knee pain and promote comprehensive well-being.