One of our clients with patient IP No:3932, a 31-year-old female, sought medical attention due to a five-year history of excessive weight gain coupled with various associated complaints. These included intermittent bloating, PCOD, sinusitis, disturbed sleep patterns, irregular menstrual cycles, hair fall, vertigo, and acid reflux syndrome. At the time of consultation, she was under medication with Metformin and Ovacure.
Upon diagnosing the client with Atistoulyam, characterized by excessive obesity in Ayurvedic medicine, a comprehensive 2-month treatment regimen was initiated. This plan comprised internal medications including VaranadiKashayam, DasamulakaduthrayamKashayam, Shaddharanam Tablet, Kanchanara Gulgulu, and Rajapravartini Vati, complemented by external therapies such as Abhyangam (Whole Body Massage) for 38 days, Steam Bath for 25 days, and Elakizhi (Herbal Leaf Bundle Massage) for 16 days. Additional therapies included Avikizhi, Udwarthanam, Dhanyamladhara, Kadikizhi, Kati Vasthi, Bandage, Matra Vasthi, Ksheera Vasthi, Lekhana Vasthi, Podi Kizhi, Mutta Kizhi, Naranga Kizhi, and Vamanam. With the Client’s weight standing at 102 kg, this holistic approach aimed to address both the physical and internal factors contributing to her condition, incorporating dietary and lifestyle modifications alongside traditional Ayurvedic treatments to promote sustainable weight loss and overall well-being.
Following the treatment regimen, she experienced significant improvements. Her weight was reduced by 11 kg, and she reported relief from bloating, sinusitis, and hair fall. Additionally, her sleep pattern improved, and irregular menstrual cycles normalized.
Following the successful completion of her treatment regimen, she was prescribed a one-month course of medications including Kanchanara Gulgulu, Varanadi Kashayam Tablet, Punarnavadi Kashayam Tablet, Lomedus Tablet, and Triphala Tablet to maintain the achieved results. Additionally, she received comprehensive advice on diet restrictions and lifestyle modifications aimed at sustaining and enhancing the treatment outcomes. Regular follow-up appointments were scheduled to closely monitor Client’s progress and to make any necessary adjustments to her regimen. This case serves as a testament to the effectiveness of Ayurvedic treatment in addressing obesity and its associated comorbidities, highlighting the importance of a holistic approach that integrates internal medications, external therapies, dietary interventions, and lifestyle modifications to promote long-term health and well-being.